Cute little girl with long hair running with kite in the field on summer sunny day

Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ®-3) and Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional (ASQ®:SE) have been adopted by thousands of professionals—early interventionists, pediatricians, public health nurses, home visitors, child welfare workers, Head Start teachers, child care centers, and more—in all 50 states and countries around the world.

Learn how ASQ® is having a profound impact for organizations across the country:

Delaware Leads the Way: An Online Initiative to Support Statewide Screening

Read about the evolution of Delaware’s sweeping statewide screening program, from its early beginnings to its current status as a progressive torchbearer for ensuring healthy, age-appropriate development for all young children. Read the story

A Powerful Partnership: Community Developmental Checkups

Learn how the developmental screening team from Champions for Children and the Glazer Children’s Museum provide monthly ASQ-3 screenings in Tampa, Florida. Read the story

Baltimore Infants and Toddlers Program

For early intervention programs where children are already receiving services, ASQ can be a valuable tool for ongoing monitoring and for addressing new concerns. Discover how one early intervention program uses ASQ to meet its ongoing screening needs. Read the story

California’s First 5 Contra Costa

Hear from a mom who trusted her gut regarding concerns about her son’s development, even in the face of reassurances from family members and her son’s pediatrician. Read the story

Canadian Pediatric Group Uses ASQ Online in Partnership with Child and Family Services

Discover how the Section of Community Paediatrics, a group of 12 private practices in Calgary, implements ASQ Online. See how ASQ Online has benefited the organization. Read the story

Connecting the dots with ASQ Online API

Learn how a Help Me Grow affiliate is saving time by using the ASQ Online API to automate the flow of information between databases. Read the story

First 5 El Dorado: Making screening more accessible with “ASQ kits”

Read how First 5 El Dorado made screening accessible by creating 20 ASQ kits and dispensing them in county libraries—boxes packed with everything a parent would need to complete ASQ with their child. Read the story

Growing Strong with ASQ Online: HMG Michigan's Statewide Screening Successes

Learn why Help Me Grow Southeast Michigan chose ASQ Online to meet their screening and data management needs—and how the system helped them meet their goals. Read the story

Help Me Grow Utah: Engaging families with ‘Books, Blocks & Balls’

Discover how Help Me Grow Utah’s Books, Blocks & Balls events transform playtime into a prime opportunity for creating lasting family engagement—and learn how you can do the same in your own community! Read the story

Los Angeles County Office of Education Head Start–State Preschool Program (LACOE Head Start)

Discover why the Los Angeles County Office of Education Head Start–State Preschool Program adopted ASQ and ASQ:SE as their official standardized screening tools in this case story. Read the story

Metro United Way

Discover how Metro United Way in Louisville, Kentucky utilizes Ages & Stages Questionnaires® to strengthen communities by helping parents help their children. Read the story

Pediatrics Group Leverages Phreesia to Automate and Administer the ASQ®-3 Developmental Screening Tool

Learn how a partnership between ASQ-3 and Phreesia helped increase screening and automate scoring for a pediatrics group in Washington D.C. Read the story

Pretend City Children’s Museum

Learn how the developmental screening team from Champions for Children and the Glazer Children’s Museum provide monthly ASQ-3 screenings in Tampa, Florida. Read the story

San Francisco Unified School District

Two years ago, the San Francisco Unified School District launched a screening program in 80 preschool classrooms. Read about their early challenges and successes. Read the story

Screening in the Pennsylvania Child Welfare System

Learn how and why Pennsylvania’s Department of Public Welfare adopted the ASQ-3 and the ASQ:SE as the program’s screening tools after a statewide developmental and social-emotional screening program was established. Read the story

Statewide Screening in Alaska

In this case story, learn how the Part C early intervention program in Alaska is implementing ASQ Online to streamline developmental screening state-wide.
Read the story

The Quick Peek Program: Bringing screening into the community

Learn how the Quick Peek Early Developmental Screening Program offers free screenings at local libraries and Kohl’s stores in New Jersey. Read the story

The Young School and ASQ-3

Read this Q&A with the Head of Faculty & Administration at The Young School to learn more about ASQ from a child care perspective. Read the story

Does your program have an ASQ success story that could serve as a model for other programs? E-mail us your story at
  • Children at a Craft Table

    What ASQ Users are Saying

    ASQ-3 has helped make our staff and our families more aware of developmentally appropriate growth and development. The resources that come with the ASQ-3 have been instrumental for parents to provide school readiness activities at home and to understand the objectives that we cover in our plans.”

    Jessica Trail, Head of Faculty & Administration, The Young School