Improving lives using ASQ.

Improving the lives of low-income first time mothers and their young children — that’s what your Nurse-Family Partnership program is all about. And with ASQ®, you’ll be even better equipped to help parents provide sensitive, competent caregiving that improves the health and development of at-risk children.

How ASQ helps home visitors in the Nurse-Family Partnership.

Form strong partnerships with families. Because ASQ draws on parents’ in-depth expertise, it makes the parent a full partner in the screening process. And ASQ makes it easy to share children’s strengths with the families in your program, which helps you improve your rapport with parents.

Assess infant/toddler developmental progress at any time. With the expanded administration windows in ASQ®-3, you can conduct fast and easy developmental screening during any of the home visits you conduct after the child is one month old.

Provide activities that promote developmental progress. The ASQ system includes fun, simple, and inexpensive learning activities you can share with parents. The activities use materials most parents already have at home, cover the same five developmental areas screened with ASQ, and help children progress in areas of concern.

Educate parents on infant/toddler growth & development. ASQ is a great way to educate parents about child development and keep them informed about their own child’s progress. Through the ASQ screening process and the learning activities, parents will learn about developmental milestones and discover ways to provide more stimulating home environments.

Provide referrals to other early intervention services. With the revised cutoff scores and monitoring zone in ASQ-3, there’s no more guesswork in identifying at-risk children. Just a glance at the ASQ-3 scoring sheet will tell you when a child should be referred or monitored.

Program trials have shown that Nurse-Family Partnership programs have already resulted in fewer instances of child abuse and neglect and fewer behavioral and developmental difficulties in young children. ASQ can help your program extend those promising outcomes, giving parents the education and support they need to create more nurturing home environments and identifying children who may need additional services.

MIECHV-funded programs: Download the DOHVE issue brief on using ASQ-3 and ASQ®:SE to meet MIECHV benchmark area measurement requirements.

  • Teacher and Student

    What ASQ Users are Saying

    We chose ASQ because it is easy to do, low cost, culturally sensitive, and it meets our purpose of basic screening for our children’s development. Our infant teachers base their curriculum on each individual child based on the ASQ.”

    Kathy Bostic, Program Supervisor, Pinehurst Child Care Center