Event Recap: The 2022 ASQ International Symposium

A gathering of early childhood researchers from around the world

More than 35 researchers and practitioners gathered in Chicago, IL for ASQ Around the World: The 4th Invitational Symposium of International ASQ Researchers, representing 14 countries—Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Denmark, The Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United States.

The invitation-only event provided attendees with the opportunity to discuss and exchange their early childhood development research, share their experiences translating and adapting ASQ®-3 and ASQ®:SE-2 for use in different countries, and participate in roundtable talks focused on ASQ use around the world. This was the fourth time Brookes Publishing brought together professionals to contribute to the continuing evolution and growth of the ASQ tools to improve the lives of children and families everywhere.

“The ASQ International Symposium is a highlight for me as an ASQ developer and researcher,” said Jane Squires, Ph.D., ASQ co-developer. Dr. Squires assisted with moderating the event. “The Symposium brings together international researchers who are engaged in critical research related to early identification and systems development from around the world.”

Most attendees are heavily using the ASQ tools in their work—collecting normative data, conducting research studies, and serving as advocates for developmental and social-emotional screening programs in their countries. Through presentations, roundtables, and the poster session, presenters and attendees shared their research and discussed issues and topics specific to ASQ: screening successes and challenges, the impact of the pandemic, linguistic and cultural barriers, adaptation practices, and data gathering.

Check out some of the presentation and poster highlights below:



“Hearing about their research findings, successes, and challenges allows us to improve ASQ by incorporating adaptations and revisions, with an eye toward building screening systems with diverse populations worldwide,” said Dr. Squires. “Attending this event and meeting the participants is truly an honor and a privilege.”

The International Symposium planning team is discussing locations for the next symposium in two or three years. Many attendees to this year’s symposium expressed how valuable this experience was and are already looking forward to the 5th symposium!

Want to get an inside look at this year’s International Symposium? Check out the Facebook photo gallery here! 

  • Children at a Craft Table

    What ASQ Users are Saying

    ASQ-3 has helped make our staff and our families more aware of developmentally appropriate growth and development. The resources that come with the ASQ-3 have been instrumental for parents to provide school readiness activities at home and to understand the objectives that we cover in our plans.”

    Jessica Trail, Head of Faculty & Administration, The Young School