Our top 9 essential ASQ website features
If you aren’t using them, here’s why you might want to start.

Have you visited the ASQ® website lately? There are some seriously cool (and useful) features that we’re sure will benefit your screening program. Here are nine that we’re filing under “can’t miss”—for the time they save, the knowledge they impart, and the ideas they inspire.
1. ASQ calculators eliminate second guessing.
Screening accuracy is too important to leave to by-hand calculations—even if you are a math whiz. Our Age Calculator tells you the right questionnaire for a child’s age. The Adjusted Score Calculator lets you easily determine a child’s adjusted score when questionnaire items are left blank.
Use it: Access the calculators online or download the app.
2. Find fast answers about everything in the FAQ Knowledge Base.
We’ve received a lot of questions about ASQ tools over the years, and now you can see them all answered in one database. Search for a question, or browse by tool, topic, or keyword. Can’t find what you need? Submit your own and we’ll answer it ASAP.
Use it: Browse the FAQ Knowledge Base.
3. Boost ASQ know-how with our Resource Library.
If you can imagine a tip sheet, infographic, parent handout, or article about ASQ®-3 or ASQ:SE®-2, this library probably has it. Our searchable collection has tons of free downloads and other info to help you implement ASQ screening tools and practice better family engagement.
Use it: Search the library now or check out our monthly resource recommendations. Register for the ASQ site (for free!) to access more than a dozen exclusive resources.
4. The Training Portal brings your team up to speed, and keeps them going.
Introduce ASQ tools to new users and get ongoing support, all in one place—all for free! Study the basics with step-by-step tutorials on everything from administering questionnaires and scoring to engaging with families. The portal has presentations, activities, handouts, group training printables, and more!
Use it: Enter the Training Portal (free registration required).
5. Introduce ASQ the family-friendly way—send them to the Parents Section.
First-time families will love this Q&A-style resource, which tells parents and caregivers how screening works and what they can expect. Includes links to valuable resources like activity handouts to help parents support their child’s development. Information on this page is available in English and Spanish.
Use it: Share this link with families!
6. Use the Screening Navigator to plan or enhance your program.
This handy tool walks you through the four phases of the developmental screening process—Before You Begin, Preparing Your Program, Screening, and Supporting Success—and reviews the key steps of each. Skip to the phase you need guidance on, or explore the entire Navigator. With each step you’ll get links to free tools and resources.
Use it: Navigate now.
7. Get great ideas (and share yours) via the Networking Directory.
Who better to learn from than others who do what you do? Tap your peers for brainstorming and problem-solving sessions. It’s easy to connect with other ASQ users who work with similar populations or who are in your area. And stay tuned for a new update—search the directory by keyword, or filter by location or organization type.
Use it: Fill out a few fields to join the directory. Then network away!
8. Success Stories will inspire and inform you.
Hearing firsthand how actual ASQ users implemented and improved their programs is the perfect way to get new ideas. Here you can get a bunch in one spot, from all kinds of users from all over the world—early interventionists, pediatricians, public health nurses, home visitors, child welfare workers, Head Start teachers, child care centers, and more.
Use it: Explore users vignettes, case studies, and testimonials.
9. The ASQ Welcome Center gives new users the tools to get started.
Whether it’s for you or members of your team, this one-stop resource will kick off your screening work in the right way, with information about our tools and how they can strengthen your work. Plus, find links to popular, practical resources to get you going with ASQ.
Use it: Visit the Welcome Center now.
Now that you know what you’ve been missing, make www.agesandstages.com and its valuable features your go-to for all things screening!
Originally published: March 2019