Welcome to the ASQ Online System for Kansas!
Through the All in For Kansas Kids initiative and with funding from the Preschool Development Grant – Renewal, the state of Kansas is providing statewide access to Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (ASQ) Online. The Statewide ASQ Online System makes it easier for organizations to improve coordination and reach more families through developmental screening.
The early years of life build a foundation for future learning, health, and success. Children’s early life experiences deeply affect their future physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. Parents, providers, and communities play a critical role in ensuring children have the supports and resource they need to thrive. By participating in developmental screening, providers of all kinds can check children’s development, address any potential concerns, and connect families to services and supports in their community. Screening can also help build relationships with the families you work with, opening conversations and empowering parents around their children’s developmental health.
Download the fact sheet to prepare for the 2025 Kindergarten Snapshot (ASQ).
Download now (PDF)
All Kansas elementary schools are required to partner with families to better understand incoming kindergarten students’ development using this tool through the Kansas Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot (Learn more about the Kansas Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot). Through community access ASQ Online is now available to any community partner that serves children ages zero to five that would like to administer developmental screenings. For community partners that would like to sign up or for more information, contact your local community Part C ASQ Account Administrator.
Kansas has resumed regular live virtual trainings for Kansas early childhood care and education providers. These “Introduction to the Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ)” trainings are designed to support the statewide expansion of the Ages & Stages Questionnaires® and will not be specific to the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot. You can register for these trainings through the TASN Events website.
Early childhood care and education providers can view recorded support modules and videos, and download the initiative resources to help you use the ASQ tools. Part C providers and community early childhood providers can access resources specific to infant-toddler services through Part C Enterprise Resources.
Whom do you contact for questions?
For simple questions related to the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot (for example, resetting a password to ASQ Online), contact Brookes Publishing Technical Support or call 1-866-404-9853.
For more specific questions (for example, setting up ASQ Online Family Access links), contact the Brookes Implementation Team at implementation@brookespublishing.com.
The Kansas State Department of Education can provide guidance and answer questions for Kansas users. Contact Stacy Clarke at kansasicc@ksde.org.
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