Watch these short, handy 5-minute videos to see key features and functions of the ASQ Online system.

*To view the videos in fullscreen, click the “Monitor Icon” in the lower right corner of each video.

How to Log in to ASQ Online for the First Time

Once your account has been created in the ASQ Online system, an email will be automatically generated by ASQ Online containing the link to create your password.

How to Enter Keycodes

Keycodes are required to unlock the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires within your ASQ Online system, as well as the learning activities. Without a keycode, you cannot properly set up your program, and your users will not be able to complete a screening for a child. Keycodes are located on the inner flap of ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 boxes.

How to Add Users (User Roles and Permissions)

Within a program there are three different roles: Program Admin, Provider, and Reviewer. Learn how to add users to your program and grant the appropriate user role(s).

How to Add a Child and Caregiver Profile

Before a user can add screening data for a child, a child profile and caregiver must be created. Learn how to manually create a Child and Caregiver Profile.

How to Import Child and Caregiver Profile Data

As a program administrator, you can import child and caregiver profile data into the ASQ Online system from your database system.

How to Import New Users

You can now import new teachers into your program without having to manually create profiles.

How to Enter Questionnaire Responses (Long vs Short Form)

Learn how to manually enter questionnaire responses for ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 using the long and short data entry form. Once a screening is finalized, the results will immediately appear on the information summary sheet.

For ASQ-3 questionnaires:

For ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires:

How to Set up Family Access

Family Access allows program admins to create customizable web pages for their program where they can direct caregivers to complete screenings for their children online. Once accepted by the program, the screens that were entered via Family Access automatically become part of your program.

How to Link your ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 Family Access Pages

Choosing to link your ASQ-3 English and ASQ:SE-2 English pages will allow your caregivers to complete both questionnaires without having to re-enter child and caregiver demographic information.

How to Complete a Questionnaire Using Family Access

Families and providers who do not have log in access to the ASQ Online system can enter questionnaire responses through Family Access.

How to Print Blank Questionnaires

Blank questionnaires can be printed directly from the Screening Management section. Questionnaires can be printed with or without child demographic information and can be printed for one child at a time or for multiple children.

How to Create Documents

Learn how to create your own custom documents and letters in ASQ Online.

How to Create Packets

ASQ Online system users can create their own document packets to print for their child profiles. Once a packet is created, it can be generated for an individual child or multiple children any time within Screening Management.

How to Print Learning Activities

If your program purchased a Learning Activity book, then your program users can access the Learning Activities once the keycode is entered into ASQ Online. (See How to Enter Keycodes for instructions to enter the keycode.)

How to Report at the District Level

If you have Program Admin access to multiple programs within an Enterprise account, you now have a new reporting option. You will be able to run your reports across all programs at one time.

How to Access ASQ Online Help and Resources

The Help System in the ASQ Online system makes getting help easy. The Help System includes online user manuals, FAQs, tutorials, and a Downloads and Resources section.

How to Export, Archive, and Delete Child Data

There are times when you will need to export, archive, and/or delete child data from your ASQ Online Program. This short video provides step-by-step instructions.

  • Children with Hands in the Air

    What ASQ Users are Saying

    “I like the ASQ:SE, which is an easy non-threatening tool to use to assess important social-emotional developmental milestones of the baby…. This tool lends itself well to developing educational activities to foster a healthy parenting relationship.”

    Cynthia Suire, MSN, RN, Nurse–Family Partnership Program Louisiana Office of Public Health