Why is the state of Kansas focusing on Kindergarten readiness?

Early childhood experiences lay the foundation for a child’s future academic success. A child’s health and physical well-being, along with the development of cognitive, communication and social-emotional skills, all can be influenced by the community, educational environment, family and the individual child. Effective policies, targeted and appropriate levels of funding, and collaborative systems of support enhance a child’s ability to thrive in learning environments.

In 2015, the Kansas State Board of Education announced a new vision for education in Kansas: Kansas leads the world in the success of each student. Education leaders held dozens of focus groups with thousands of Kansans to shape this vision. The Kansas State Board of Education and the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) are tracking five key outcomes to measure progress toward achieving this Kansans Can vision:

  • Social-emotional growth
  • Kindergarten readiness
  • Individual Plan of Study (IPS) focused on the career interest for each student
  • High school graduation
  • Postsecondary success

Our Kindergarten readiness goal is that each child enters Kindergarten at age five socially, emotionally, and academically prepared for success. As districts continue to implement fully funded all-day Kindergarten, this builds on Kansas educators’ work to support developmentally appropriate and academically rigorous Kindergarten classrooms. See the Kansas Full-Day Kindergarten Guide for more information.

What is the Kansas Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot? How was this tool selected?

Kansas needed additional information to better understand students’ development when they entered Kindergarten. During the Kansans Can listening tour, Kansans told education leaders that quality early childhood experiences should be a priority, and that school districts should collaborate with community partners in achieving that goal.

The Kansas State Department of Education collaborated with stakeholders to determine key principles for a developmental snapshot tool. Stakeholders established that the Kansas Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot Tool must include communication (language and literacy), problem-solving, motor, and social-emotional areas of development. They also determined that schools must engage families and caregivers in gathering information about a child’s development and early experiences.

In considering these core principles, KSDE selected Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ®-3) and Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ®:SE-2) to provide a snapshot of children’s developmental milestones when they enter Kindergarten across the state.

As caregivers know their children best, they complete both versions of the questionnaires.

ASQ-3 addresses five developmental areas: communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem-solving and personal-social.

ASQ:SE-2 addresses seven social-emotional areas: self-regulation, compliance, communication, adaptive behaviors, autonomy, affect and interaction with people.

ASQ is a tool that is used in many early childhood settings in Kansas, including health care, child care, and community-based preschool.


What are schools required to do for the 2023-2024 school year?

All accredited schools are required to administer both ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 to incoming kindergarten students.

For the 2023-24 school year, districts may begin their 2023 Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot after April 1, 2023. Districts will agree to assurances that include:

  • The district will not use ASQ data as a gatekeeper to prevent 5-year-old children from entering kindergarten.
  • The district will follow up with families within 2 weeks of receiving completed screenings.
  • The district will share ASQ data with a child’s kindergarten teacher.

All schools must administer the ASQ to incoming kindergarten students by Sept. 20, 2023. All data (including pending Family Access screenings) must be entered into ASQ Online by Oct. 10, 2023.

What about a student enrolling or transferring from another school after September 20?

For the purposes of the 2023-2024 Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot, KSDE will only use data on screenings completed on or before September 20 and entered into ASQ Online on or before October 10. Participation rates will be calculated by comparing the number of students who participated to the number of students reported as enrolled on September 20. However, a teacher is welcome to use ASQ to screen at any point during the school year if that proves useful to the student or family and teacher relationship.

Can districts use ASQ in the spring for kindergarten roundup?

Yes. See the question “What are schools required to do for the 2023-2024 school year?” above.

Are schools required to rescreen at the end of the year?

No. However, if a child scores in the monitoring zone on ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2, the teacher may choose to re-administer the questionnaire after 2-3 months. And a teacher is welcome to use ASQ to screen at any point during the school year if that proves useful to the student or family and teacher relationship.

Rescreening decisions will be made at a District level; however, rescreening is not required for the KSDE Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot.

Can districts utilize the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 online system?

Districts that have purchased ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 Starter Kits for a building are permitted to print or photocopy ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires, in accordance with photocopying and use guidance. Each building that will be using the ASQ system must purchase its own set of original questionnaires; master forms cannot be shared among a district’s buildings.

Beginning in July 2020 state funding is available to support administering screenings for any child birth through kindergarten entry served by a school.

Do we have to do both ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2?

Yes, districts are required to administer both ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 for incoming kindergarten students.

Are virtual schools and virtual programs required to administer the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot to incoming kindergarteners?

Yes. All accredited schools are required to administer both ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 to incoming kindergarten students. This includes incoming kindergarten students enrolled in virtual schools and virtual programs. Virtual administrators should contact Stacy Clarke, kansasicc@ksde.org, to discuss where students will be reported in the ASQ Online system.

Who are Program Administrators and have they all been chosen? How do we know who they are?

Districts notified KSDE who the building level Administrators were for each kindergarten building during initial implementation of the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot. They have been responsible for working with the ASQ Online system, setting up building level users, and running reports from data collected. This contact person could be the building level principal, a Kindergarten teacher, testing coordinator, or other staff designated by the district. Please check with the building level principal to identify who the administrator is for the building. Districts submit a District Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot (ASQ) Coordinator’s contact information in the KSDE Directory Updates authenticated application at the beginning of the school year.

If your district does not have an active Program Administrator, please email Stacy Clarke, for assistance: kansasicc@ksde.org.


What is required for state preschool programs?

Preschool programs receiving funding from the Preschool-Aged At-Risk (State Pre-K 4 Year Old At-Risk) program and the Kansas Preschool Pilot are required to ensure that each child receives a developmental screening using an evidence-based screening tool while they participate in the preschool program. The program must share results with the child’s family.

Preschool programs may determine whether children receive screenings during enrollment prior to the start of the school year, at the beginning of the school year, or upon enrollment of students who enroll after the beginning of the school year.

KSDE recommends but does not require that the preschool program select ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 developmental and social-emotional screening tools for preschool-aged students.

Preschool programs that utilize ASQ are not required to enter the results of the screenings in ASQ Online or report the results to KSDE.

Can accredited schools screen students younger than kindergarten-age?

Yes. Accredited schools (public and private) participating in the Kansas Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot can now use the same ASQ Online system to screen any child birth through kindergarten entry, in accordance with the ASQ photocopy release. Each branch office or physical site that will be using the ASQ system must purchase its own set of original ASQ questionnaires; master forms cannot be shared among sites. Kansas state agencies may purchase Starter Kits for home-based programs and small programs to increase access to commercially available ASQ questionnaires in additional languages and to screen children who may be spread out in small numbers across sites. For these programs, the requirement of one (1) Starter Kit per Location is waived, but at least one (1) kit must be purchased for each 100 children served annually.


When is the administration window for 2023-2024?

For the 2023-24 Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot, districts and private school systems may begin screening April 1. Please contact Stacy Clarke via email at kansasicc@ksde.org if you would like to begin prior to April 1. All schools must administer the ASQ to incoming kindergarten students by Sept. 20, and all data (including pending Family Access screenings) must be entered into ASQ Online by Oct. 10.

If our district administers the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot Tool this spring, and we also use ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 as our developmental screening for Preschool-Aged At-Risk and Kansas Preschool Pilot, would parents only complete the questionnaires once between April 1 and September 20?

Districts operating approved Preschool-Aged At-Risk programs are required to ensure that each child receives a developmental screening using an evidence-based screening tool. The program must share results with the child’s family. Programs may determine whether children receive screenings prior to the start of the school year or once school begins. Students who enroll after the beginning of the school year must receive screening within 90 days of enrollment. These preschool developmental screenings should occur early in the program year, so that schools may identify any potential areas of delay.

Districts may choose to rescreen preschool students in the springtime. If that is the case, it is possible that families could complete one screening in the springtime of the preschool year that could also serve as the screening used for the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot. Schools should refer to the expectations for completing the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot in the springtime, including timely follow-up with families and sharing results with the child’s kindergarten teacher.

We will not know who a child’s kindergarten teacher will be during the springtime screening. What provider should we assign the child to in ASQ Online?

With Family Access, Administrators have the ability to accept a screening without immediately assigning to a provider. Administrators should select the “Accept as a new child profile without assigning to a provider” option and click the Process button.

When the Administrator is ready to assign the child to a teacher, they will return to the Family Access page and select the link, “There are family access screenings to assign”. From this page, Administrators can select the teacher from the dropdown menu and click “Assign”.

What about late enrollments?

The Kansas Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot window closes on Count Day (Sept. 20). Schools are not required to administer the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot to students who enroll after Sept. 20, although they are welcome to use the tool for that purpose. Participation rates will be calculated by comparing the number of students who participated to the number of students reported as enrolled on Sept. 20.


What strategies have Kansas schools used to successfully administer the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot and increase parent participation?

Schools have shared the following ideas that others might consider:

  • Send a letter home to families introducing the purpose of the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot initiative and developmental screenings. The resources available on the https://agesandstages.com/ks site include template letters and a message from KSDE Commissioner Dr. Randy Watson.
  • Promote the initiative, activities and resources using other school communications channels (website, social media, etc.).
  • Hosting a Kindergarten Readiness event (either during the day, evening or weekend) to invite families to visit the school building and complete the questionnaires.
    • This might include other activities to support the transition into kindergarten, like touring classrooms and meeting teachers.
    • Schools might set up a series of stations with materials and staff to assist families in completing each item of the questionnaire.
    • Schools might incorporate screenings provided by other partners (like health or dental screenings) into this event.
    • High School Family & Consumer Science students might provide fun activities for young students while parents complete ASQ:SE-2. Preschool teaching staff might be friendly faces to help support students in this transition. Parents or caregivers who recently had a child attend kindergarten, or current kindergarteners and early elementary students, may be able to share experiences and connect with peers.
  • Use ASQ Online for an in-person event so that parents and caregivers can receive the results right when they finish completing the tool. One week later, discuss the results at one-on-one family meetings prior to the start of school.
    • Follow up individually with families who are unable to attend this event. Provide the online URL or paper questionnaire for completion, and then offer to schedule either an appointment at the school building or a home visit.
  • Engage with other partners in the community who may be using ASQ (for example, parent educators, health providers and other early childhood care and education providers) and encourage them to provide a paper copy of the completed questionnaire to family members.
  • Host a Parent Data Night with private time to discuss the results and share resources or learning activities.
  • Share the ASQ Learning Activities with families during follow-up.
  • Maximize opportunities to use ASQ in serving children birth through kindergarten entry, so that families are familiar with the tool prior to completing it for the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot.
  • Allow time for teachers review data in professional learning communities (PLCs), and use the data as a district to determine which classrooms will receive additional support (for example, paraprofessionals) and plan professional development. A community might use this data with partners to inform parent education and early childhood programming.
  • For more ideas related to administering ASQ, review the article: 6 tips for stress-free fall screenings or the video ASQ – Kindergarten: Gathering and Sharing Data on the Kansas Teaching and Leading Project website. If you have other ideas you’d like to share with your peers, please email them to  Stacy Clarke: kansasicc@ksde.org You might also review the transition into kindergarten resources posted to the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund Kindergarten Readiness/Transitions webpage.

What do we do if parent(s) refuse to participate? Is there a way for them to opt out?

This is a good opportunity to reflect on how your school introduces the ASQ to families. The August 17, 2023 Kansas Kindergarten News and Updates Newsletter lists resources that may be helpful.

Although we would like for the parents to complete the screening tools, a parent may decide not to participate or decide not to have data shared with the state. Teachers should document the parent’s decision to opt out by selecting “Parent/Caregiver opted out of participating” under “Reason for not participating” on a child’s profile page in ASQ Online. Completing ASQ is a parent’s choice. If a family chooses to complete the ASQ but not share data with the state, the questionnaires should be completed on paper (not via Family Access) and the results should not be entered into the ASQ Online system.

Teachers should not complete a screening in lieu of parent response.

When KSDE calculates district participation rates, opting out is counted as not completing the questionnaire. If the parent and teacher together determine that screening using the ASQ would be inappropriate (for example, if a child already has an IEP in place and has already been assessed in all the domains screened by the ASQ), or if the child is older than 77 months and 30 days (outside the age range for the questionnaires), then the child is not included in the denominator when calculating participation rates.

Is there a parent consent form?

Parent/guardian consent is obtained when the parent enters data into ASQ Online. Kansas programs should not change the consent language loaded into the ASQ Online system.

If your program is administering the paper/pencil version of the questionnaires, you should print out the following parent consent forms:

For Accounts Administered by Schools (KSDE Enterprise)

  • Printable Statewide ASQ Parent or Guardian Consent Form in English (PDF)(DOCX)
  • Printable Statewide ASQ Parent or Guardian Consent Form in Spanish (PDF)(DOCX)
  • Statewide ASQ Parent or Guardian Consent Form Text for Family Access (English and Spanish) (DOCX)

For Accounts Administered by Part C Programs (Part C Enterprises)

  • Printable Statewide ASQ Parent or Guardian Consent Form in English (PDF)(DOCX)
  • Printable Statewide ASQ Parent or Guardian Consent Form in Spanish (PDF)(DOCX)
  • Statewide ASQ Parent or Guardian Consent Form Text for Family Access (English and Spanish) (DOCX)

Should children with IEPs be given ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2?

Every family has the opportunity to participate in the screening. It is family choice if they participate by completing ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2, but it is not required. If a child is already receiving special education services, it may not be appropriate to complete the screening. If you believe completing ASQs would be inappropriate or not a positive, relationship-building experience for the parent, collaborate with your Special Education team and document as a team your rationale for exempting this child/family from the screening process. On a child’s profile page, select “Determined screening was inappropriate” under “Reason for not participating.” Completing ASQ is a parent’s choice.

When should we share the results with parents?

Schools that administer the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot (ASQ) in the spring (April – July) agree that they will accept the screening results in ASQ Online and follow up with the family within two weeks of completion to provide results and learning activities.

For all other schools, when to share results with parents is a local decision. However, parents will expect to hear about results, so schools should provide follow-up information in a timely manner.

Recommendations include:

  • Share results with parents in face-to-face conversation (Don’t hand out score report).
  • Explain results using language such as above cutoffs, close to cutoffs, and below cutoffs
    • Highlight what the child does well and focus on positives first.
  • Be sensitive and positive. This is an opportunity to build teacher–parent relationships.
    • Examine concerns together.
    • Talk about next steps of development.

What do I do for children who are older than 77 months and 30 days?

The questionnaire ends at 77 months and 30 days, so the system will not allow for a questionnaire to be completed if a child is older than that. Teachers should select “Child older than age cutoff” under “Reason for not participating” on a child’s profile page in ASQ Online.

Will parents be able to complete the screening in multiple sessions or only one time to login and submit?

The ASQ Online screening will take approximately 15–20 minutes to complete for each ASQ tool (ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2). Parents will need to submit each screening questionnaire in one sitting, as there is not a save option during the online entry. They will not be able to save a screening in progress and return later. They may visit the website to complete ASQ-3 and then return at a later time to complete ASQ:SE-2.

Does it matter whether we do ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2 first?

No, it does not matter which screening is completed first. You may ask the parent/guardian to complete either ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2 first; however, both must be completed.

What about ASQ results from another state?

ASQ Online information can only be transferred from district to district within the state. Contact Stacy Clarke (kansasicc@ksde.org) to request transfers.

Using Questionnaire Data

What should I do if a student is below the cutoff in ASQ-3 or above the cutoff in ASQ:SE-2?

A score in the monitoring zone means that the child’s performance is close to the cutoff score. After talking with parents, you may decide to rescreen the child in 2 to 3 months or, in some cases, make a referral for further evaluation. Children whose scores are close to the cutoffs in one or more areas may be provided with developmental activities specific to the areas of concern.

For children whose scores fall below the cutoff scores for ASQ 3 and above for ASQ: SE-2, some level of action should be taken. Before making a referral, suspecting the child to potentially be a child with a disability, meet with the family, and carefully consider whether any of extraneous factors affected the child’s performance. Questions to consider include:

  • Has the child already been receiving general education interventions?
  • Has the child had any prior preschool experience?
  • Do parents have concerns about their child’s development?
  • Is the setting or time affecting the results? For example, does a child’s behavior vary between home and the child care center?
  • Is a child’s behavior related to health or biological factors? Have you considered lack of sleep or hunger as possible influences?
  • Is a child’s behavior related to a developmental stage or a delay in development?
  • Are there family or cultural factors that may have influenced results? For example, is a stressful event, such as a move or divorce, influencing behavior?

When considering action steps:

  • Start the GEI process and progress monitor the student collecting data at regular intervals to determine response to intervention.
  • Provide direct, targeted instruction for the area(s) of concern while monitoring progress with an evidence-based progress monitoring tool.
  • Check online resource sites:
  • Collaborate with other early childhood staff members within the school building.
  • Discuss curriculum options and specific interventions to address skill deficits with the district curriculum coordinator, instructional coach, or the Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) team.
  • Embed opportunities into meaningful routines across the daily schedule with many opportunities for practice.
  • Access ASQ-3 Learning Activities or ASQ:SE-2 Learning Activities & More.
  • Check the ASQ site for ideas to address specific skill deficits. Archives of ASQ newsletters are available here.
  • If a student shows little or no gains despite targeted interventions implemented with fidelity over time, refer to building Student Improvement Team (SIT).

How can school-or district-wide data be used?

ASQ Online provides several reports that allow programs to interpret and analyze data at the child, classroom, school, and district level. Data can be used to help schools:

  • Design environment and instruction to meet the needs of incoming kindergartners.
  • Support aligned teaching practice and program planning.
  • Support personalized instruction.
  • Promote positive teacher–parent relationships.
  • Plan professional development for staff to support student needs.

One example of data informed instruction is Emerson Elementary School in Kansas City. They used school-level data for the 2019 class of incoming kindergartners to plan the topic of an upcoming Kindergarten Family Night. Because the children scored lowest on fine motor skills, the night included having families work with their child at activity stations where they could glue beads, shape dough, and use shaving cream to form letters.

At the state level, this data will provide a snapshot of Kansas kindergartners’ development and help inform opportunities to improve Kindergarten readiness statewide.

Why aren’t there specific criteria on the questionnaire for parents to make the scoring less subjective?

Kansas is taking a developmental snapshot approach to look at Kindergarten Readiness. ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 offer a quick, valid check of milestones, with skills selected that exemplify children’s development yet are easily observable and understandable across cultural and socio-economic groups. The items use familiar, concrete words that don’t exceed a sixth-grade reading level, and illustrations and examples are provided for as many items as possible. While not written formally, questionnaire items include details and examples to make the intent clear. Explicit item-by-item criteria would affect readability, increase time to answer a questionnaire, and be less suited for a measure parents complete. (And including “test criteria” might imply that there is a specific, single way each developmental skill must look, which is not the case.)

Here’s what was reported in an article on development and validation of the 72 Month ASQ-3 for school-age children: “This tool can be used in kindergarten as it is easy to administer and score and many children can be screened at low cost. Pediatricians, professionals, and parents can use it to learn about skills the child has mastered, skills that are emerging, and skills the child is not yet doing.” (Singh, A., Squires, J., Yeh, C.J., Heo, K.H., & Bian, H. (2016). Validity and reliability of the developmental assessment screening scale. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 5:124-8.)

What if parent responses do not match what educators observe in the classroom setting?

Most parents see their children interact with peers—during playdates, family gatherings, birthday parties, social events, in the neighborhood, in the community, on sports teams, and so forth. For children who have been in a preschool or child care environment, parents typically have seen and heard about their children’s social interactions.

If there appears to be a discrepancy between parent and teacher perceptions, utilizing reported ASQ data is a terrific way to initiate conversation that can bridge the gap. In many instances, educators utilize their training and expertise to design developmentally appropriate learning environments supportive of the social-emotional needs of children. This can lead to improved behaviors and increased cognitive performance as children reflect new skills rapidly obtained from peer interactions. Sharing tips on what is working in the classroom can provide beneficial support to parents while encouraging generalization of new skills in the home environment. Conversely, it may be the case that parents provide support at home which helps a child be successful in ways not presently demonstrated in the classroom setting. Creating intentional space to have reflective conversations regarding ways to best support students is a highly beneficial aspect of utilizing ASQ screening.


We will be hosting a districtwide kindergarten roundup/orientation event, with children and families who will attend different school buildings. We will be using Family Access. How should we handle this in ASQ Online?

You will want to collect the Family Access URLs for each school building and have the families select the appropriate school building. If your district has a website, you can post the school names and link to the appropriate Family Access page.

Which ID number are we supposed to use for the children in ASQ Online?

ASQ Online automatically generates an identifier for each child.

Is there a way to transfer online data from one school and/or district to another? What if a student moves in after the September 20 Count Day?

Yes, ASQ Online allows the ability for data to be transferred from one school/district to another. Send the request to kansasicc@ksde.org. Districts may determine locally whether they will screen children who enroll after the September 20 Count Day.

If I purchase ASQ do we automatically get the online version as well?

Yes, KSDE purchased a subscription to ASQ Online. After you purchase the required ASQ products (ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 Starter Kits), you will find a keycode on the inside flap of each box. This keycode allows access to the questionnaires once the Program Administrator has logged in and registered you as a provider.

Can a Co-Op Administrator be added for a specific district and the appropriate classrooms even if the Program Administrators are from different districts?

Contact kansasicc@ksde.org if you require access to multiple programs. In all instances, permission will be required from the districts involved.

If you are unable to post the Family Access URLs on a website, you can create a word document or pdf that contains links to Family Access for each school building.

How many times can you enter a screening?

For the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot, only two screenings per child will need to be completed: one ASQ-3 screening and one ASQ:SE-2 screening. You may receive an additional completed questionnaire from an additional caregiver, such as a grandparent or divorced parent; this may also be entered as an additional screening for the same child. Please note that there is a fee of $.35 for each finalized screening that is accepted, which is paid by the Kansas State Department of Education.

If we deleted a completed screening but made an error, is there another charge?

Yes, KSDE will incur fees for all screenings accepted as final, even if the screens are later deleted.

How will we get contact info for ASQ Online support at Brookes?

ASQ Online has a built-in Help component which includes a variety of tutorials. If you require additional assistance, call the Technical Assistance line 1-866-404-9853 or send an email through https://www.asqonline.com/support. Technical Support is available 24/7.

Do Kindergarten teachers have to do all the online entries?

Many ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires will be entered through ASQ Online Family Access by the parents. The data is loaded directly into the ASQ Online system. Some parents may not be able to use ASQ Online and may choose to complete the paper questionnaire. In the case of the latter, the teacher or other assigned staff will enter data from the paper questionnaire into ASQ Online using either the short form or the long form. KSDE recommends Kindergarten teachers enter data for their students as they design environments and instruction to meet the needs of incoming Kindergarten students.

Can we practice using ASQ Online when training teachers?

If you have new teachers that would like to practice using ASQ Online, we can provide access to a demo program, where practice screens can be entered. Contact the Brookes Implementation Team (implementation@brookespublishing.com) for more information.

Does online access work on a phone or tablet?

Yes, ASQ Online can be accessed via a phone or tablet. The Family Access component has been optimized to be easily used on a phone or tablet.

For parents who struggle with literacy, will there be audio support provided by the state for parents to use?

Support for families will need to be provided at a district or building level.

If the screening is completed using the Spanish questionnaires, can the answers and scores be printed out in English?

ASQ Online allows users to toggle between English and Spanish versions of the questionnaires and information summary sheets. However, any comments/written responses provided by the caregiver are not translated from Spanish to English.

Are there activity suggestions for ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 in ASQ Online?

Yes, if your school has purchased the ASQ-3 Learning Activities and ASQ:SE-2 Learning Activities & More books and entered the keycodes into the system, the activities will be available to you in ASQ Online.


What is the difference between a screening tool and an assessment tool?

There are three types of assessments available in the early childhood field—screening assessments, diagnostic assessments, and curriculum-based assessments. Each has a different purpose.

A screening assessment is a brief assessment procedure designed to identify children who should receive more intensive evaluation. The Ages & Stages Questionnaires is a screening tool. Screening tools answer the question “Does this child need further evaluation at this time?”

A diagnostic assessment is an in-depth assessment of one or more developmental areas to determine the nature and extent of a physical or developmental problem and determine if the child is eligible for services (e.g., early intervention). District school psychologists or other qualified personnel administer diagnostic assessments.

A curriculum-based assessment (or programmatic, ongoing assessment) is an in-depth assessment that helps to determine a child’s current level of functioning. This type of assessment can provide a useful child profile, help with program planning, identify targeted goals and objectives, and be used to evaluate child progress over time. It is recommended that a chosen curriculum-based assessment be linked to the Kansas Early Learning Standards. These can be found here.

How does one get log-in information?

  • For simple questions related to the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot (for example, resetting a password to ASQ Online), contact Brookes Technical Support, or call 1-866-404-9853.
  • For more specific questions (for example, setting up ASQ Online Family Access links), contact the Brookes Implementation Team at implementation@brookespublishing.com
  • PreK-12 school staff with questions for KSDE can email Stacy Clarke: kansasicc@ksde.org
  • Early childhood care and education providers with questions about statewide expansion can email Stacy Clarke: sclarke@ksde.org

What translations of ASQ are available?

ASQ questionnaires have been translated into many languages to meet the growing needs of programs working with diverse families. Some translations of ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 are available to purchase or license.

ASQ-3 is available for purchase in English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Chinese, and Vietnamese. ASQ:SE-2 is available for purchase in English, Spanish, French, and Arabic. You can access these languages in the online system, with the purchase of the print product.

At this time, the 72-month ASQ-3 questionnaire is only available in English and Spanish. A full list of available translations is available here.

Is the expectation that all students will go to kindergarten? May kinder prep/transitional Kindergarten be a follow-up action recommended? What can be done for students who are not ready?

Regular kindergarten classrooms are expected to be ready to meet the needs of all incoming kindergarteners. The Kansans Can Star Recognition Program recognizes district success in the outcome measures Kansans told us they value, including Kindergarten Readiness. In order to be eligible for recognition in this area, a district must be in compliance with the following: All families of children who are age-eligible for kindergarten (5 years old on or before Aug. 31) are encouraged to enroll their children in kindergarten. All children are welcomed – as they are – into heterogeneous kindergarten settings; they are not segregated into extra-year programs prior to or following regular kindergarten.

Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot (ASQ) data is not a gatekeeping tool and should not be used to keep students out of Kindergarten. Per Kansas law (K.S.A. 72-3118), the only requirement for entry into kindergarten is that a child be 5 years old on or before Aug. 31 of the current school year (unless a child has previously attended kindergarten in another state). Each district has policies and procedures in place for determining tiered interventions and referral to special education. Teachers and teams should continue to follow those processes for all students. ASQ results are one piece of information that may be included in the data collected for a special education evaluation but, by itself, is not enough to move forward with an evaluation.

View the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot Fact Sheet



Do public schools administer ASQ for private schools in their geographic area, or are they responsible for this for their Kindergarten students?

Individual buildings are responsible to provide access to parents to utilize the ASQ Online system. All accredited schools are required to administer ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 for incoming kindergarten students enrolled in their school.

For private schools that do not have Skyward, etc., what/how is data uploaded?

If there is a system you currently use for student data, please use the upload feature provided, here.

Alternatively, you will need to enter each child’s profile into the ASQ Online system.


How can we get support for using ASQ Online?

Recorded webinars and how-to videos are available to help you get started with ASQ Online and use the system effectively.
View webinars View how-to videos

ASQ Online also has a built-in Help component which includes a variety of tutorials. If you require additional assistance, call the Technical Assistance line 1-866-404-9853 or send an email through https://www.asqonline.com/support. Technical Support is available 24/7.

We do a lot of data collection for the state. Is there a district site for us to access all the data?

KSDE is able to grant multi-building access to ASQ Online users, so that users can log in to ASQ Online with a single account to access all buildings in their district. Users with multi-building access are able to run multi-building reports. Email Stacy Clarke (kansasicc@ksde.org to request multi-building access.

KSDE  is working to incorporate ASQ data into the AMOSS authenticated application beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. Data will be uploaded following the close of the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot collection window to assist districts in analyzing results and participation.

If you have administrators that need access to multiple schools, please email Stacy Clarke: kansasicc@ksde.org. We would be glad to set up multi-building access.

What do IT Directors need to know to export student information from PowerSchool, Skyward and other student school systems into ASQ Online?

Brookes Publishing created a document for importing student data from a variety of systems. Please see the instructions.

Who pays for the computer-generated reports?

The fee of $.35 per screen will be charged when the screening is finalized. KSDE will pay for ASQ Online subscriptions and for the per-screening fees. There are no fees associated with the computer-generated reports that compile data for the classroom teachers or administrators (i.e., Screening Scores, Screening Results, and Aggregate Results).


What is the Statewide Expansion ASQ Online: Community Access system?

Kansas has worked for several years to standardize developmental and social-emotional screening for children birth through kindergarten entry using Ages & Stages Questionnaires. Ages & Stages Questionnaires are brief, parent-completed tools that help to identify if a child may be at risk for developmental or social-emotional delay. Ages & Stages Questionnaires can be a utilized as a tool to connect children to relevant supports and services to support healthy development. Historically, programs across the state have had to figure out how to access ASQ Online independently. Now, with funding from the Preschool Development Grant – Renewal, we are able to provide statewide access to the ASQ Online system to improve coordination and reach more families!


  • ASQ Online: a web-based system for ASQ, offering online data management, questionnaire completion by hand or through the internet.
  • ASQ Hub: an account for bigger organizations that supports de-identified data reporting for linked ASQ Enterprise accounts.
  • ASQ Enterprise: an online data management system for the Ages & Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition (ASQ-3) and the Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2), that allows communities with multiple partners to create individual programs in the system. The Kansas State Department of Education administers an ASQ Enterprise account for school districts and accredited private schools as part of the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot initiative.
  • Part C Network: local early intervention programs also referred to as Infant-Toddler Services or tiny-k Programs that will serve as the community ASQ Enterprise Account Administrators.
  • Program: each community partner (each brick-and-mortar building/site in the ASQ structure) that will utilize the ASQ Online system that connects to the community ASQ Enterprise Account.

What does the Statewide ASQ Online system consist of?

  • One statewide Hub account, administered by KSDE
  • An Enterprise account administered by KSDE to support the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot initiate
  • 30 geographic-based community ASQ Enterprises

How can my program join the Community Access potion of the Statewide ASQ Online Expansion?

Step 1: Determine if you already have access to an ASQ Kit and locate its corresponding keycode or purchase an ASQ Starter Kit in the desired language. Ordering instructions can be found here.

Step 2: Determine who your local Community ASQ Enterprise Account Administrator is and reach out indicating your interest in joining the ASQ Online system. Map of Account Administrators can be found here.

Step 3: Account administrators will guide you through the onboarding process. This includes receiving the consent forms you will utilize when screening and filling out the appropriate data governance. See documents below:
Program Information Form
ASQ Enterprise User Agreement
Parental Consent Form in English; Parental Consent Form in Spanish

Step 4: Set up your ASQ Online Program

How do I know who my local Community ASQ Enterprise account administrator is?

A map of Account Administrators can be found here.

How does a program benefit from joining their local Community ASQ Enterprise account?

  • Save time and capacity with the system’s automated features
  • Screen more children with the ability to screen online and through paper forms
  • Screen children virtually through online questionnaires
  • ASQ Online account subscription and per-screening costs free to programs
  • Reduced price on developmental and social-emotional screening tools
  • Case management and data organization features provided through the online system
  • Free training on screening tools and free implementation support
  • ASQ Online system works for questionnaires in English, Spanish, Arabic, French, Vietnamese, and Chinese

Who can join a local Community ASQ Enterprise account?

Community partners that are providing or may want to start providing children’s developmental screenings to the children they serve are welcome and encouraged to join a local community ASQ Enterprise account. Community partners could include medical providers, health departments, mental health providers, home- and center-based child care facilities, home visiting programs, WIC offices, Part B providers, Early Childhood Block Grantees, Head Start and Early Head Start programs, and others.

Is there a fee involved for programs that want to join?

There is NO COST to join the local community ASQ enterprise account; however each physical site (community partner program) will need starter kits to administer the ASQ screening tools. Ages & Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition (ASQ-3) and Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2) each have a starter kit that will need to be purchased. Organizations that already have a kit can utilize the keycode that is associated with their current kit at no additional cost. English ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 starter kits are available with a Kansas pricing discount for $265.00 each using the discount code information available here. Lower volume programs can purchase a kit together as long as 100 children or less are being served. If this is a cost barrier, please apply for financial assistance through Help Me Grow Kansas.If interested in the cost of questionnaires in other languages, please inquire.

What are the responsibilities of a program that joins their community ASQ Enterprise account?

  • Programs who join a Community ASQ Enterprise account will need to complete an ASQ Enterprise User Agreement which details the responsibilities of programs joining the account. Some of the program responsibilities outlined in this agreement are the following: Gain parental consent to screen by utilizing the Statewide ASQ Online system screening consent form. (Parental Consent Form in English; Parental Consent Form in Spanish)
  • Programs are responsible for follow-up with parents or caregivers on any developmental screening they complete.
  • If a referral to early intervention services or preschool special education services is needed based on the results of the ASQ screen, programs must send proper referrals through previously established referral avenues (Phone, Integrated Referral and Intake System (IRIS), Fax) to the local Part C network for infants and toddlers under the age of three or to the local elementary school for children three years of age and older.
  • Ensure they are operating within the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) compliance standards.

What technical assistance, training and supports are available?

A monthly training will be available on administration and use of the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 screening tools. Find upcoming trainings on the KSDE TASN website.

The Statewide ASQ Online System website includes FAQs, quick-reference guides, online training modules and “how-to” videos describing how to implement ASQ.

The Kansas State Department of Education contracts with Brookes Publishing to provide ASQ Online technical and implementation support. Kansas users can access this support by phone (1-866-404-9853), by filling out the ASQ Online Technical Support Form or by emailing implementation@brookespublishing.com.

How can you share a child’s results between programs?

The easiest way to share results is to empower parents with their child’s developmental health information. This allows parents to control who has access to their child’s data. A few resources to consider:

For additional resources on using the ASQ Online system, you can log into ASQ Online. Under “Announcements,” you can view “ASQ Online HOW-TO videos”, including “How to print the Information Summary sheet”.

  • Children with Hands in the Air

    What ASQ Users are Saying

    “I like the ASQ:SE, which is an easy non-threatening tool to use to assess important social-emotional developmental milestones of the baby…. This tool lends itself well to developing educational activities to foster a healthy parenting relationship.”

    Cynthia Suire, MSN, RN, Nurse–Family Partnership Program Louisiana Office of Public Health