Watch these 25 to 40-minute recorded webinars for in-depth instruction on getting started with ASQ Online and using the system effectively.


Getting started with ASQ Online for administrators

Who should watch this module: Program Administrators
Length: 40 minutes

Description: This online training module is designed to provide an overview of ASQ Online and provide Program Administrators with the steps needed to set up their program and prepare for Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot data collection. Program Administrators will:

  • Learn how to enter keycodes to unlock the questionnaires in the online system
  • Learn about the ASQ Online user roles and how to create users
  • Learn how to set up Child and Caregiver Profiles in the system through manual entry, importing data, or via Family Access
  • Receive an overview of Family Access, which allows parents to complete the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires online.
  • Learn about the various help and support content available


Watch the training module.

Download the module handouts (PDF)

Getting started with ASQ Online for teachers

Who should watch this module: Program Administrators, Teachers
Length: 25 minutes

Description: This online training module is designed to provide an overview of ASQ Online and provide Teachers with the steps needed to prepare for Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot data collection. Teachers will:

  • Receive an overview of ASQ Online
  • Learn how to create and/or access Child and Caregiver Profiles
  • Receive an overview of Family Access, which allows parents to complete the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires online.
  • Learn about the various help and support content available


Watch the training module.

Download the module handouts (PDF)

Setting up Family Access for your program

Who should watch this module: Program Administrators
Length: 35 minutes

Description: This online training module is designed to show Administrators how to set up Family Access, which allows parents/caregivers to complete ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires online. Administrators will learn how to:

  • Create the Family Access Page
  • Invite Caregivers to complete the questionnaires via Family Access
  • Review and accept questionnaires that come in through Family Access


Watch the training module.

Download the module handouts (PDF)

Preparing for questionnaire completion

Who should watch this module: Program Administrators and Teachers
Length: 35 minutes

Description: This online training module is designed to show users how to prepare for questionnaire completion in order to collect data for the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot. Users will learn how to:

  • Learn best practices for Introduce ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 to Parents
  • Decide best method to provide questionnaires to families
  • Learn how to create and prepare documents, letters, and other introductory materials


Watch the training module.

Download the module handouts (PDF)

Entering questionnaire data into ASQ Online

Who should watch this module: Program Administrators and Teachers
Length: 30 minutes

Description: This online training module is designed to show users how to enter ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaire data into ASQ Online for the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot.  Users will learn how to:

  • Enter the responses from paper questionnaires into ASQ Online.
  • Review the questionnaires that come in through Family Access, the online questionnaire completion system for Parents and Caregivers


Watch the training module.

Download the module handouts (PDF)

Interpreting results and next steps

Who should watch this module: Program Administrators and Teachers
Length: 30 minutes

Description: This online training module is designed to show users how to interpret results from the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires and how to facilitate next steps.  Users will:

  • Learn how to review the Information Summary for ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2
  • Learn differences between ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 results
  • Learn best practices for follow-up and next steps
  • Learn how to engage Families with ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 Learning Activities


Watch the training module.

Download the module handouts (PDF)

Using ASQ Online reports to analyze data

Who should watch this module: Program Administrators and Teachers
Length: 30 minutes

Description: This online support module is designed to show users how to use ASQ Online reports to analyze and interpret data. Users will:

  • Receive a Reports Overview and learn about the different report options
  • Learn how to use ASQ Online Reports to make charts and graphs


Watch the training module.

Download the module handouts (PDF)

  • Teacher and Student

    What ASQ Users are Saying

    We chose ASQ because it is easy to do, low cost, culturally sensitive, and it meets our purpose of basic screening for our children’s development. Our infant teachers base their curriculum on each individual child based on the ASQ.”

    Kathy Bostic, Program Supervisor, Pinehurst Child Care Center