Welcome to Florida Division of Early Learning’s
Screening Resource Center
All children ages 6 weeks to 60 months who participate in the School Readiness Program receive an annual developmental screening with Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ®-3), and Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ®:SE-2) with parent or guardian permission.
Benefits of developmental screening:
- Provide information to track child’s developmental progress
- Help identify areas of delay for planning, monitoring, and intervention
- Provide a framework for discussion with caregivers and parents or guardians
- Provide documentation to make referrals or suggestions for further evaluation
This online resource center is designed to provide helpful information about screening with ASQ for parents, providers/teachers, and staff at Early Learning Coalitions (ELCs) and the Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA). Visit this site often to access provider guides, implementation resources, letters to share with families, and more!
Florida’s Developmental Screening Process / Proceso de evaluación del desarrollo de Florida
Families eligible for the School Readiness Program have five days to complete ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires each year for their child through the Family Services Portal. If the questionnaire is not completed by the family within that timeframe, the system will defer it to their child care provider for completion. After the screening is completed, and if there are no concerns, the results are shared with the child’s family and their child care provider through the Family Portal within 45 days. If the developmental screening indicates concerns for the child, early learning coalitions initiate intervention practices no later than 30 calendar days.
Las familias elegibles para el Programa de Preparación Escolar tienen cinco días para completar los cuestionarios ASQ-3 y ASQ:SE-2 cada año para su hijo a través del Portal de Servicios Familiares. Si la familia no completa el cuestionario dentro de ese plazo, el sistema lo deferirá a su proveedor de cuidado infantil para que lo complete. Una vez completada la evaluación, y si no hay inquietudes, los resultados se comparten con la familia del niño y su proveedor de cuidado infantil a través del Portal Familiar dentro de 45 días. Si la evaluación del desarrollo indica preocupaciones para el niño, las coaliciones de aprendizaje temprano inician prácticas de intervención a más tardar 30 días.
Parents—learn more about screening with the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 Family Guide!
Guides for Using ASQ
These provider guides will help your program use ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 successfully.
Florida Provider Guide for ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2
This guide provides detailed guidance to providers about how to support parents to complete screenings and how to administer ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 screenings in the classroom. Providers/teachers should review this guide before completing screenings in EFS Mod.
Download in English Download in Spanish
Florida ASQ-3 Overall Section Guide for Providers
This guide explains the importance of the ASQ-3 Overall Section, encourages providers to have parents complete these questions whenever possible, and provides guidance for providers who need to complete this section.
Download in English Download in Spanish
Resources to Support Use of ASQ
Use these handy tip sheets and charts to support accurate use and streamlined administration of questionnaires at your program.
ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 Age Administration Chart
This chart provides administration guidelines to promote accuracy and helps providers determine the best time frame for administering ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires.
Download in English Download in Spanish
ASQ-3 Materials Chart
A one-page chart that displays all materials needed for administering all age intervals of ASQ-3 questionnaires.
Download in English Download in Spanish
Materials Needed for ASQ-3 by Age
This handout shows materials needed for each ASQ-3 questionnaire, by age, to help parents or providers prepare for completing a questionnaire. Having materials needed ensures a child has opportunities to try activities before questions are answered on the questionnaire.
Download in English Download in Spanish
Resources for Working with Families
Use the communication materials in this section to enhance your work with families.
Florida FAQs About Screening
These FAQs provide helpful answers to questions parents may have before and after completing questionnaires.
Read English FAQs Read Spanish FAQs
Introductory Materials for Families
Use these letters and flyers to introduce the screening process, the Early Steps program, and Child Find services. You may want to customize these documents by adding local contact information. You may also have other brochures or flyers that were developed by local counties that can replace these letters.
Welcome to our screening program
View English letter (DOCX) View Spanish letter (DOCX)
What is Early Steps?
View English letter (DOCX) View Spanish letter (DOCX)
What is Florida’s Child Find program?
View English letter (DOCX) View Spanish letter (DOCX)
Results Letters for Families
Share these letters with family members to help explain the screening results received through EFS Mod. You can add your contact information to these letters.
ASQ-3 Results Explained
View English letter View Spanish letter
ASQ:SE-2 Results Explained
View English letter View Spanish letter
Activities for Families
Share these fun and easy activities with families to encourage healthy development and strengthen relationships.
ASQ-3 Activities English ASQ-3 Activities Spanish
ASQ:SE-2 Activities English ASQ:SE-2 Activities Spanish
Want more information about ASQ? Join our free, monthly newsletter for tips, news, and special offers!
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What ASQ Users are Saying
“I like the ASQ:SE, which is an easy non-threatening tool to use to assess important social-emotional developmental milestones of the baby…. This tool lends itself well to developing educational activities to foster a healthy parenting relationship.”
Cynthia Suire, MSN, RN, Nurse–Family Partnership Program Louisiana Office of Public Health