
Sharing ASQ:SE-2 Screening Results with Families

It’s important to always share ASQ:SE-2 results—parents will be interested in learning about their child’s social-emotional development. Use this practical tip sheet to help you discuss ASQ:SE-2 results with families. Read More

Qu’est-ce que l’ASQ-3

Provide reassurance and allay fears by communicating thoughtfully about the screening process from the get-go. Share this What is ASQ-3? handout with French-speaking parents to explain the basics of ASQ-3. Read More

10 Tips for Promoting Your ASQ Screening Program

What are the best ways to get the word out about your screening initiative? What works for you will depend on your program’s unique size, scope, location, and budget. Use these tips to inspire some new ideas to help you meet your screening goals. Read More

All About Social-Emotional Screening

Not all parents or caregivers may be familiar with social-emotional screening. This handout answers the ‘what’ and ‘why’ about the importance of social-emotional screening. Read More

ASQ Age Administration Charts

If a parent is given the incorrect questionnaire for his or her child’s age, the score won’t reflect the child’s true developmental or social-emotional abilities. Use these charts (available in English and Spanish) to select the correct ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2 questionnaire for a child’s age. Read More