
Ayuda para asignar puntajes ASQ:SE-2

Sometimes professionals have questions when scoring ASQ:SE-2 because it’s a little different from scoring ASQ-3. Use these tips, translated into Spanish, to help you score ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires accurately every time. Read More

Seguimiento ASQ:SE-2

After interpreting ASQ:SE-2 results, planning the next steps for children with social-emotional concerns can be complex. Use this handout to help you consider various actions that you may take depending on the child’s specific results. Read More

Todo Sobre La evaluación del desarrollo socio-emocional

Not all parents or caregivers may be familiar with social-emotional screening. This Spanish handout answers the ‘what’ and ‘why’ about the importance of social-emotional screening so that you can discuss social-emotional screening with Spanish speaking parents and caregivers. Read More

Qu’est-ce que l’ASQ:SE-2?

Provide reassurance and allay fears by communicating thoughtfully about the screening process from the get-go. Share this handout with French-speaking parents to explain the basics of ASQ:SE-2. Read More

ASQ:SE-2 Fiche Suivi de l’enfant

Looking for an easy way to track a child’s ASQ:SE-2 screening results over time? Programs can download and complete this form, translated into French, to monitor a child’s progress. Read More

Parent Feedback Surveys

Parent feedback is a valuable way to measure program effectiveness because the success of the screening process is often impacted by how accurately and thoroughly parents complete the questionnaires. Use these surveys for ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 to solicit parent feedback. Read More