
ASQ-3 Learning Activities Sample

ASQ-3 Learning Activities provide more than 400 fun and easy activities to support children's development in five key areas. Download this sample of ASQ-3 Learning Activities to get an inside look at activities that support children's problem solving, personal-social, fine motor, gross motor, and communication skills.  Read More

Developmental Screening: Answers from an Early Childhood Expert

Joining us for a Q&A is Jane Squires, Ph.D., a professor of special education at the University of Oregon and co-developer of the internationally renowned Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (ASQ®). In this article, Dr. Squires will answer seven commonly asked questions about screening and development Read More

ASQ-3 Scoring Help in Spanish

Sometimes professionals have questions when scoring ASQ-3. Use these tips, translated into Spanish, to help you score ASQ-3 questionnaires accurately every time. Read More

Lista de 9 mejores prácticas cuando se utiliza un intérprete para hacer un ASQ

A language or major cultural difference between professionals and parents can impact everyday communication, but it can be especially challenging during the ASQ screening process when face-to-face conversations may be pivotal. View this infographic, translated into Spanish, and learn nine best practices to ensure the screening process goes smoothly, even when families speak a different language. Read More