
Here We Grow! Delaware’s Developmental Screening Initiative

In July 2021, Delaware became the first state in the country to require screening in licensed child care. With the groundbreaking Developmental Screening Bill, Delaware required all licensed child care programs to complete developmental screening for children in their care, from ages 0-5.  Read More

Screening Navigator

The Screening Navigator is your step-by-step guide to the big picture of developmental screening, from planning and implementing a successful program to monitoring results and fine-tuning trouble spots. The Screening Navigator provides specific resources for each step in the screening process to help your program reach its full potential. Read More

ASQ Referral Tips

You’ve finished scoring ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2 and the child’s results are in the monitoring zone, below the cutoff for ASQ-3, or above the cutoff for ASQ:SE-2. What do you do now? View this handout for a list of potential follow-up actions. Read More