Here We Grow! Delaware’s Developmental Screening Initiative

Presenters: Jenny Grady, Jamie Walko, & Diane Frentzel

In July 2021, Delaware became the first state in the country to require screening in licensed child care. With the groundbreaking Developmental Screening Bill, Delaware required all licensed child care programs to complete developmental screening for children in their care, from ages 0-5.

Presented by Jenny Grady, Jamie Walko, & Diane Frentzel, three leaders of the initiative, you’ll hear the story behind Delaware’s decade-long developmental screening initiative in this engaging Here We Grow! webinar. You’ll learn how the state currently uses ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 through the ASQ Online system, and you’ll get an inside look at their plans to guide scale-up activities in the coming years. You’ll also discover how Delaware has kept the needs of children and families at the center of their screening efforts.

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