
Here We Grow! Delaware’s Developmental Screening Initiative

In July 2021, Delaware became the first state in the country to require screening in licensed child care. With the groundbreaking Developmental Screening Bill, Delaware required all licensed child care programs to complete developmental screening for children in their care, from ages 0-5.  Read More

An Innovative Training Plan for Ensuring Effective Community-Wide ASQ Screening

Meaningful, effective, and consistent training can be a challenging part of large screening initiatives, especially those involving multiple community partners. In this webinar, you’ll hear solutions from Shannon Ellison, Manager of Health and Development for the Collaboration for Early Childhood, a collective impact agency in Oak Park, Illinois. Read More

3 Reasons Why ASQ Works Great for Home Visiting Programs

Early childhood home visiting professionals collaborate with families to create a healthy, nurturing environment where young children can learn and thrive. Because a big part of healthy development is regular screening, home visiting programs should be using a reliable tool like ASQ® with every young child they work with. See… Read More

Addressing Social-Emotional Needs During COVID-19

As the global pandemic continues and we come to terms with a school year that’s going to look drastically different, there’s growing discussion about the impact this is all having on kids’ social-emotional needs. It’s partially what has made back-to-school decisions so difficult for school systems and families. ASQ co-developer… Read More

Tips and Resources for Virtual ASQ Screenings

Virtual ASQ screenings have increased exponentially during the COVID-19 health crisis, presenting a range of challenges, such as getting questionnaires to parents, figuring out how to adapt materials, and handling technology issues. Here we’ve outlined some key tips and helpful resources to make your virtual screenings go as smoothly as… Read More