
ASQ around the world

Fifty researchers, practitioners, and affiliated ASQ publishers from 19 countries recently gathered in Stockholm, Sweden, for ASQ Around the World: The 2nd Invitational Symposium of International ASQ Researchers. … Read More

Social-Emotional Development: Screening with ASQ:SE-2

Social-emotional development is important for young children because it’s a key to success in school, in social environments, and in environments both at home and away from home. It’s also really the best predictor we have of academic success. If we want children to develop at their utmost capacity, we… Read More

Success Story: First 5 El Dorado

Read how First 5 El Dorado made screening accessible by creating 20 ASQ kits and dispensing them in county libraries—boxes packed with everything a parent would need to complete ASQ with their child. Read More

Using ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 together

It’s common knowledge that all children should be screened early and often in order to determine which kids are developing typically and which are at risk for delays. Get the full picture by adding a social-emotional tool, such as ASQ:SE-2, to your screening program. Read More