
3 Reasons Why ASQ Works Great for Home Visiting Programs

Early childhood home visiting professionals collaborate with families to create a healthy, nurturing environment where young children can learn and thrive. Because a big part of healthy development is regular screening, home visiting programs should be using a reliable tool like ASQ® with every young child they work with. See… Read More

Tips and Resources for Virtual ASQ Screenings

Virtual ASQ screenings have increased exponentially during the COVID-19 health crisis, presenting a range of challenges, such as getting questionnaires to parents, figuring out how to adapt materials, and handling technology issues. Here we’ve outlined some key tips and helpful resources to make your virtual screenings go as smoothly as… Read More

ASQ-3 Spanish Resources Guide

In this resources guide, we've outlined all of the available Spanish resources for ASQ-3, including the Learning Activities, handouts, downloads, and more! Read More

ASQ-3 Materiales en español

In this resources guide translated into Spanish, we've outlined all of the available Spanish resources for ASQ-3, including the Learning Activities, handouts, downloads, and more! Read More

ASQ-3 Spanish Learning Activities Sample

ASQ-3 Actividades de aprendizaje provide more than 400 fun and easy activities to support children's development in five key areas. Download this sample of ASQ-3 Actividades de aprendizaje to get an inside look at activities that support children's problem solving, personal-social, fine motor, gross motor, and communication skills. Read More