ASQ and Oregon Pediatric Society

Use the #1 developmental and social-emotional screeners to catch delays early.

Special 20%* discount for Oregon Pediatric Society members—we’re pleased to offer a special membership benefit discount on all ASQ print products! To receive your discount code, call the Oregon Pediatric Society at 503-334-1591 x102.

On this site, you’ll find information to help you make decisions about a screening tool for your practice. Below I’ve put together some quick links to help you learn more about ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly with any questions.

Robert Miller
Sales Director
1-410-337-9580, ext. 166

ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE English and Spanish sets






ASQ Quick Links

*SAVE 20% on ASQ! To receive your discount, you must use the Oregon Pediatric Society savings code when ordering. To receive this code, call the Oregon Pediatric Society at 503-334-1591 x102. Orders must be received by 6:00 p.m. on 9/30/14 to qualify for the discount. Not to be combined with other discounts or special offers. Discount is not valid on any online products, including ASQ Online.

  • Children with Hands in the Air

    What ASQ Users are Saying

    “I like the ASQ:SE, which is an easy non-threatening tool to use to assess important social-emotional developmental milestones of the baby…. This tool lends itself well to developing educational activities to foster a healthy parenting relationship.”

    Cynthia Suire, MSN, RN, Nurse–Family Partnership Program Louisiana Office of Public Health