Thanks for your interest in ASQ Online. Here you’ll find links to resources shared during our demos, as well as answers to commonly asked questions.

ASQ Online Resources

ASQ Online can be fully customized to meet the needs of your program and the families you serve.

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ASQ Online Features

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ASQ Online Reports Guide
Child Plus Import Quick Reference Guide
ASQ Online Technical Information
ASQ Online Pricing


Does ASQ Online work with ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2? Does ASQ Online work for Spanish questionnaires?

Yes, ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 can be managed with ASQ Online and parents can fill out both questionnaires with Family Access. The system works with all languages available from Brookes (Arabic, English, French, Spanish, and Vietnamese; Chinese will be added soon).

When using ASQ Online, you still need to purchase Starter Kits and CD-ROMs. When setting up an ASQ Online account, you enter the keycodes from the questionnaire boxes or CD-ROMs to activate the questionnaires that you own in the system. For each program set up in ASQ Online, you need keycodes for the questionnaire types you would like that program to use.

Is there an additional cost for ASQ Online?

Yes, ASQ Online is an optional online subscription for managing data and allowing families to complete questionnaires online. There is an annual subscription fee, as well as charges for questionnaires entered into the system. See pricing.

Can you edit responses on a questionnaire after finalizing it?

No, once a questionnaire is finalized, the responses cannot be changed. You can delete the questionnaire and re-enter it with the correct responses if you’d like, but your account will be charged for both questionnaires.

Can you use ASQ Online on a tablet or phone?

ASQ Family Access is mobile-optimized and is easily viewed on a tablet or phone with internet access by families.

The professional side of the system used by providers and administrators can be viewed easily on a tablet with internet access. It can be used with a phone, but the text will be small.

Can I link ASQ Online with another system, such as an electronic health record or child care management system?

ASQ Online has automated programming interface, which allows a bridge to be built with another online system. You can choose the type of data that you transfer between systems (e.g., child demographic data, screening data). The other system must also have API functionality and accept data transfer. Several users have connected ASQ Online with other systems, including electronic health records. API subscriptions are an additional cost. Read a case story.

How can I share the Family Access URL/address with a family?

You can email a link directly to a child’s caregiver in the ASQ Online system; an automatic reminder email can also be sent 5 days later. You can add the link to your organization’s webpages for families to access. And, you can put the website’s URL on a flyer or other materials you share with families.

  • Children with Hands in the Air

    What ASQ Users are Saying

    “I like the ASQ:SE, which is an easy non-threatening tool to use to assess important social-emotional developmental milestones of the baby…. This tool lends itself well to developing educational activities to foster a healthy parenting relationship.”

    Cynthia Suire, MSN, RN, Nurse–Family Partnership Program Louisiana Office of Public Health