Resources to get you started.

Read a newsletter article
Get the full picture of a child's development by adding a social-emotional screening tool like ASQ:SE-2 to your program.

Watch a webinar
Veteran ASQ trainers explain why and how to use ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 together and give practical tips for implementation.

Get the toolkit
Access tip sheets, parent handouts, and activities to effectively implement ASQ:SE-2 and involve families in the screening process.

See a sample
View sample ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires to get a better sense of the tool. Samples are available in English, Spanish, and French.

Hear from the developer
Hear from ASQ co-developer Jane Squires why social-emotional development is so important for young children.

Find more resources
Want to learn more about ASQ:SE-2? Browse our resource library for additional materials!