FAQs about ASQ-4

ASQ is the tool you trust to support children’s healthy development—and in today’s changing world, we want to keep it that way. That’s why we’re starting work on an exciting new edition of ASQ!

If you’re already an ASQ user, you probably have a few questions about the new edition. Learn the FAQs about ASQ-4 on this page (and if you don’t see an answer to your question, please feel free to ask us). We’re working on a new edition of ASQ: one that meets the needs of families in today’s changing world.


 Q: Why is a new edition needed? 

A: We’re living in a more diverse and inclusive world than ever, and we’re learning more every day about how children develop and what they need for a great start in life. It’s important to revise screening tools so we know they can accurately and reliably evaluate today’s children—and help promote the best possible outcomes.

Conducting research and re-norming ASQ will ensure that the tool works for the next generation of children and families. Revising ASQ will also allow the developers to use professional and parent feedback to guide changes and enhancements that will improve the tool’s usability and effectiveness.


 Q: When will ASQ-4 be available? 

A: Although publication of ASQ-4 is still a couple years away, the developers are well on their way to making the tool you trust even more useful. The research collection phase has concluded, and data is currently being analyzed. After data analysis, next steps include making final revisions and production.


 Q: What changes are expected? 

A: ASQ-4 will be a new and improved version of the parent-completed screening tool you trust to support children’s healthy development. Here are some of the changes you can expect to see:

  • We’re adding a NEW 72-month questionnaire! This means that for the first time, you’ll be able to use ASQ to monitor children’s development through the transition to school.
  • Using a new normative sample that reflects the current US population, we’re updating the cutoff scores calculated for each interval.
  • Based on user feedback, we’ll be updating some questionnaire items and replacing a few with new items. (We won’t know the exact number of item changes until the research phase is complete.)

 Q: Will my program be able to continue using ASQ-3? 

A: Yes, your program can keep using ASQ-3 questionnaires duplicated from your ASQ-3 questionnaire boxes or CD-ROMs for as long as you need to. While we encourage users to transition quickly to the new edition and benefit from the updated cutoff scores and items, we understand that programs will need time to plan for the switch.

You’ll be able to access ASQ-3 questionnaires in ASQ Online for at least a year after ASQ-4 is published, and you’ll always be able to view and report on the historical ASQ-3 data in your account. There will be a time when you’ll no longer be able to enter new ASQ-3 results and data in the online system, but we’ll announce that date well in advance and help you establish a timeline for your transition.

 Q: How can I get more updates about ASQ-4? 

A: For all the latest news and announcements about ASQ-4, sign up for the free, monthly ASQ newsletter.

 Q: Is ASQ:SE-2 going to change, too? 

A: Not yet. ASQ:SE-2 won’t be revised along with ASQ-4.


  • Teacher and Student

    What ASQ Users are Saying

    We chose ASQ because it is easy to do, low cost, culturally sensitive, and it meets our purpose of basic screening for our children’s development. Our infant teachers base their curriculum on each individual child based on the ASQ.”

    Kathy Bostic, Program Supervisor, Pinehurst Child Care Center