Four Screening Resolutions for 2019

Key resources to support successful screening

In 2019, resolve to improve your ASQ® screening program. Read these four resolutions and support year-long screening success!

Resolution 1: Stay connected with families

Screening is just the beginning! Between screenings, stay connected with the families in your program by offering them fun activities they can do with their child, sharing parent education materials, providing information about helpful community resources, and following up about any areas of concern.
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Resolution 2: Promote healthy development

Support healthy development of the children you serve with the resources in this step. Learn about social-emotional information to share with families, give parents reliable tips about getting kids ready for kindergarten, and help them track milestones between developmental screenings.
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Resolution 3: Check your program’s progress

Is your program accomplishing its goals? Are there any procedures that need to be tweaked or rethought? To gauge the effectiveness of your screening program, you’ll want to collect data periodically from parents and staff.
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Resolution 4: Fine-tune your program

Deepen your understanding of factors that can influence your screening program and make revisions when they’re necessary. And, head for our networking directory to share insights with other users.
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  • Children at a Craft Table

    What ASQ Users are Saying

    ASQ-3 has helped make our staff and our families more aware of developmentally appropriate growth and development. The resources that come with the ASQ-3 have been instrumental for parents to provide school readiness activities at home and to understand the objectives that we cover in our plans.”

    Jessica Trail, Head of Faculty & Administration, The Young School