
New Features on the ASQ Website

Learn all about the exciting new features of the ASQ website! From the Screening Navigator to the Parent Section, the ASQ website is more ready than ever to support your screening program! Read More

Screening Navigator

The Screening Navigator is your step-by-step guide to the big picture of developmental screening, from planning and implementing a successful program to monitoring results and fine-tuning trouble spots. The Screening Navigator provides specific resources for each step in the screening process to help your program reach its full potential. Read More

Parent Feedback Surveys

Parent feedback is a valuable way to measure program effectiveness because the success of the screening process is often impacted by how accurately and thoroughly parents complete the questionnaires. Use these surveys for ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 to solicit parent feedback. Read More

ASQ Hub Reports Guide

As an Administrator of an ASQ Hub account, there are multiple reports you can generate, pulling together aggregate data from one or all of your linked accounts. This guide summarizes the various reports available through ASQ Hub. Read More

Improve your program with parent feedback

While there are lots of ways to evaluate program effectiveness, parent feedback is perhaps the most valuable since the success of the screening process rests on how accurately and thoroughly parents complete the questionnaires. Plan now to get the most of this year’s post-screening evaluations. Read More

Success Story: Screening in the Child Welfare System

Learn how and why Pennsylvania’s Department of Public Welfare (DPW) adopted the ASQ-3 and the ASQ:SE as the program’s screening tools of choice after the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania established a statewide developmental and social-emotional screening program. Read More