Girl reading to her stuffed animal dog

Easy, customizable, and even a little fun: ASQ Training

ASQ®-3 and ASQ®:SE-2 are easy to use by providers with varying levels of education and expertise, and they generally require little training. Many programs use the DVD training tools—they’re short, inexpensive, and can be shown as often as needed.

Other programs wish to maximize their use of ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 and arrange for on-site seminars or attend the trainings held every year by the ASQ® developers. With on-site training, you’ll decide where you’d like to hold the seminar and what your program wants to learn, and we’ll collaborate with you to select a date that works for you and our expert speakers.

Whatever your needs, there’s an option for you!

  • Digital training with DVDs
  • Virtual training seminars:
    • Comprehensive ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2
    • ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2 Training of Trainers (TOT)
  • Virtual ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2 Training of Trainers Institutes
  • Virtual ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2 Comprehensive Institutes
  • Virtual ASQ® Online Hands-On Learning Sessions

Virtual Trainings

Virtual ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 Training of Trainers (TOT)

The ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 Training of Trainers (TOT) seminar is designed for intermediate to advanced participants who have experience using the screening tools and will be training staff within their organizations.

All topics covered during the Comprehensive ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2 Seminar will be covered in the TOT. Training considerations and tips are also embedded throughout the TOT presentation.

Seminar length: 3 days (three 6-hour days plus lunch and breaks)

Required materials: 1 ASQ-3 Starter Kit and 1 ASQ:SE-2 Starter Kit present at the training, plus 1 ASQ-3 User’s Guide and 1 ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide for every participant present at the training

Number of participants: Up to 25

Seminar fee: $7,175 (Please add an additional fee of $750 for contract review when your organization’s contractual agreement is required in lieu of BOL’s standard training agreement.)

Participant fee: $200 per participant

In addition to participating in all training activities, TOT participants will have opportunities to integrate and practice presenting ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 content. Participants will have opportunities to discuss specific considerations for audiences they will be training (child care providers, pediatricians) and begin planning for their own future training for their organization.

Electronic materials (many of which can be modified for future Introduction training seminars) will be provided on CD-ROM for all participants upon successful completion of the seminar.

Learn more about the Virtual ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2 Training of Trainers


Virtual Comprehensive ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2 Seminar

The Comprehensive ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2 Seminar is a 1- or 2-day training seminar intended to provide an in-depth and individualized training to meet the needs of novice, intermediate, and advanced users.

The Comprehensive seminar includes the basics of the Introduction to ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 and then goes into greater depth about the role of screening tools in early childhood assessment and community early care systems.

Seminar length: 1 tool, 1 day (6 hours plus lunch and breaks), or 2 tools, 2 days (2 6-hour days plus lunch and breaks)

Required materials: 1 ASQ-3 Starter Kit and 1 ASQ:SE-2 Starter Kit present at the training, plus 1 ASQ-3 Quick Start Guide and 1 ASQ:SE-2 Quick Start Guide per person

Number of participants: Up to 25

Seminar fee: 1 day: $3,500; 2 days: $7,000 (Please add an additional fee of $750 for contract review when your organization’s contractual agreement is required in lieu of BOL’s standard training agreement.)

Through hands-on applied family studies and role plays, participants delve more deeply into the administration, scoring, interpretation, and sensitive communication of screening results, as well as practice talking to families about community referrals and follow-up. In addition, trainers will facilitate activities and discussion to explore cultural considerations for using the screening tool(s). As desired, trainers can also describe the research behind each tool and provide information about current and future research topics (how well tools identify children with autism).

The Comprehensive seminar includes the following topics: Engaging Parents, What is Screening, Features, Scoring the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2, Introducing the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 to Caregivers, Score Interpretation, Follow-Up Recommendations, and Discussing Results with Caregivers. Each segment of the training will include one case study per tool.

Speakers will work with sites to individualize the training with specific areas of focus (home visiting, childcare settings, age groups, interagency coordination, implementation planning) and/or to meet the needs of more advanced users.

During the 2-day seminar, participants will learn

  • the role of developmental screening in early childhood assessment
  • features of each tool
  • about the administration, scoring, and interpretation of screening results,
  • how to communicate sensitively with families and talk about community referrals and follow-up, and
  • the history behind the tools as well as future research projects

Learn more about the Virtual Comprehensive ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2 Seminar

Virtual Introduction to ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2 in Spanish

Delivered in Spanish by ASQ trainer Dalia Avello, MA, IMH-E (IV-P), these virtual seminars provide a thorough introduction to ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2. Each one-day seminar will be helpful for Spanish-speaking professionals new to ASQ.

During the seminars, the following core components will be covered.

Introducción al ASQ-3 (1 day)

  • Overview of screening and monitoring
  • Advantages of including parents in the screening process
  • Features of ASQ-3 with ASQ-3 items exercise
  • How to score and interpret ASQ-3
  • Referral considerations and follow-up recommendations

Introducción al ASQ:SE-2 (1 day)

  • Why screen social­-emotional development
  • Challenges in assessing social­-emotional development
  • Developmental Organizational Framework
  • Features of ASQ:SE-­2 with ASQ:SE-­2 items exercise
  • How to score and interpret ASQ:SE­2
  • Referral considerations and follow-­up recommendations

Seminar length: 1 tool, 1 day (4 hours plus lunch and breaks)

Required materials: 1 ASQ-3 Starter Kit or 1 ASQ:SE-2 Starter Kit present at the training, plus 1 ASQ-3

Quick Start Guide or 1 ASQ:SE-2 Quick Start Guide per person

Number of participants: Up to 25

Seminar fee: 1 day: $2,500 (Please add an additional fee of $750 for contract review when your organization’s contractual agreement is required in lieu of BOL’s standard training agreement.)

Learn more about Introducción al ASQ-3 and Introducción al ASQ:SE-2

Learn more about the ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2 Training of Trainers Seminar for your program!

Learn More

ASQ introductory training now offered in Spanish!

See Options

ASQ Institutes

Virtual ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2 Training of Trainers Institute

Take your ASQ knowledge to the next level with this in-depth, step-by-step seminar—everything you need to know to instruct your colleagues in using ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 to screen infants and young children. This thorough 3-day institute shows you how to

  • implement ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 effectively
  • score questionnaires and interpret results
  • identify developmental warning signs
  • discuss results sensitively with families
  • understand the referral process
  • work with families from diverse cultural backgrounds
  • teach others within your organization how to successfully use ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2

View Upcoming Session Dates


Who should attend

The Institute is designed for intermediate to advanced ASQ users who already oversee ASQ implementation and ASQ training within their organization; participants will leave the Institute prepared to instruct colleagues on ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2. However, new ASQ users also may find the Institute beneficial to their understanding and implementation of ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2. All participants will receive valuable information to advance their skill level and knowledge of the tools.

While at the Institute, you’ll receive instruction from ASQ experts, practice forms, case studies, and a binder with handouts for conducting trainings within your organization. Upon your successful completion of the Institute, a certificate of attendance and a USB flash drive of training materials will be sent by mail.

Virtual ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2 Comprehensive Institute

New to ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2?  Attend a virtual ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2 Comprehensive Institute from the comfort of your own home or office and learn everything you need to know how to use ASQ in your early childhood setting. Whether you are using Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ®-3), or Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ®:SE-2), this training is for you.

In this Comprehensive Institute, attendees will learn:

For ASQ-3

  • An overview of screening and monitoring
  • The advantages of including parents in the screening process
  • Features of the ASQ-3 with ASQ Items Exercise
  • How to score and interpret the ASQ-3
  • Referral considerations and follow-up recommendations

For ASQ:SE-2

  • Why screening for social-emotional development is important
  • How to overcome challenges in assessing social-emotional development
  • A developmental organizational framework
  • Features of the ASQ:SE-2 with ASQ:SE-2 Items Exercise
  • How to score and interpret the ASQ:SE-2
  • Referral considerations and follow-up recommendations

View Upcoming Dates


Praise for past Institutes:

“I loved the entire seminar. I learned so much.”
—Michele Bishop, Child and Family Resource Council, Grand Rapids, Michigan

“An eye-opening experience.”
—Stephanie Nicely, Program Supervisor (RN), Butler County Help Me Grow, Hamilton, Ohio

“So wonderful to learn the tool from those who developed it.”
—Kelley Franks, Quality Improvement Coordinator, Butler County Help Me Grow, Hamilton, Ohio

“After attending I feel that I have the tools to train others effectively.”
—Andrea Martin, Early Childhood Consultant, Watch Me Grow, Providence, Rhode Island


Virtual ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2 Training of Trainers Institute

See Dates and Register

Virtual ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2 Comprehensive Institute

See Dates and Register

ASQ Online

ASQ Online Hands-On Learning Session

Attend a virtual, interactive learning session for ASQ® Online! Led by an experienced and engaging ASQ Online expert, you’ll learn how to effectively and efficiently use ASQ Online, the user-friendly web-based data management system for ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2.

This hands-on, activity-driven session will cover how to

  • set up an account—understanding system roles, entering account information, entering keycodes, adding users, adjusting user permissions, creating custom fields, importing and exporting data
  • manage participant data—setting up child and caregiver profiles, searching for individual child records, setting reminders and follow up tasks
  • manage screenings—adding screening results, scoring and reviewing results, tracking future screenings
  • communicate with families—printing and customizing documents, creating mail-out campaigns, sharing follow-up activities
  • use Family Access—customizing your webpage, sharing the URL with parents, reviewing and accepting completed screens
  • use reports—understanding the 20+ available reports, running reports, determine best report to analyze data and discover trends
  • use support—learn how to make the best use of the help system to find answers and locate available resources

View Upcoming Session Dates


Who should attend?

This learning session is suitable for every level of ASQ Online user, including administrators and providers. New users will learn how to integrate the online system with their current processes and existing users will get tips on how to better utilize their system getting the maximum benefit. ASQ users considering implementing ASQ Online are welcome to attend.

Efficient. Secure. Convenient. Just a few descriptors of ASQ Online.

Discover ASQ Online

Want an inside look of ASQ Online? Watch this one-hour introductory walk-through of an ASQ Enterprise account.

Watch the video


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person trainings have been suspended. Please view the Virtual Trainings, ASQ Institute, and ASQ Online tabs for current training opportunities.

Comprehensive ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2 Seminar

The Comprehensive ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2 Seminar is a 1- or 2-day training seminar intended to provide an in-depth and individualized training to meet the needs of novice, intermediate, and advanced users.

The Comprehensive seminar includes the basics of the Introduction to ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 and then goes into greater depth about the role of screening tools in early childhood assessment and community early care systems.

Seminar length: 1 tool, 1 day (6 hours plus lunch and breaks), or 2 tools, 2 days (2 6-hour days plus lunch and breaks)
Required materials: 1 ASQ-3 Starter Kit and 1 ASQ:SE-2 Starter Kit present at the training, plus 1 ASQ-3 Quick Start Guide and 1 ASQ:SE-2 Quick Start Guide per person
Number of participants: Up to 25
Seminar fee: 1 day: $3,500; 2 days: $7,000 (Please add an additional fee of $750 for contract review when your organization’s contractual agreement is required in lieu of BOL’s standard training agreement.)
Speaker travel: Speaker’s travel expenses are in addition to seminar fees*

Through hands-on applied family studies and role plays, participants delve more deeply into the administration, scoring, interpretation, and sensitive communication of screening results, as well as practice talking to families about community referrals and follow-up. In addition, trainers will facilitate activities and discussion to explore cultural considerations for using the screening tool(s). As desired, trainers can also describe the research behind each tool and provide information about current and future research topics (how well tools identify children with autism).

The Comprehensive seminar includes the following topics: Engaging Parents, What is Screening, Features, Scoring the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2, Introducing the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 to Caregivers, Score Interpretation, Follow-Up Recommendations, and Discussing Results with Caregivers. Each segment of the training will include one case study per tool.

Speakers will work with sites to individualize the training with specific areas of focus (home visiting, childcare settings, age groups, interagency coordination, implementation planning) and/or to meet the needs of more advanced users.

During the 2-day seminar, participants will learn

  • the role of developmental screening in early childhood assessment
  • features of each tool
  • about the administration, scoring, and interpretation of screening results,
  • how to communicate sensitively with families and talk about community referrals and follow-up, and
  • the history behind the tools as well as future research projects
*Speaker’s travel expenses are reimbursable to the speaker unless your organization and BOL have negotiated a “flat travel fee” for the speaker. Travel expenses will include transportation (including, but not limited to, airfare/car rental/cab fare/gas and mileage), lodging, meals, and related incidental expenses.

To inquire about arranging an on-site seminar, contact the Brookes On Location (BOL) Professional Development Coordinator at or 800-638-3775

Training of Trainers

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person trainings have been suspended. Please view the Virtual Trainings, ASQ Institute, and ASQ Online tabs for current training opportunities.

ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 Training of Trainers (TOT)

The ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 Training of Trainers (TOT) seminar is designed for intermediate to advanced participants who have experience using the screening tools and will be training staff within their organizations.

All topics covered during the Comprehensive ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2 Seminar will be covered in the TOT. Training considerations and tips are also embedded throughout the TOT presentation.

Seminar length: 2 tools, 3 days (three 6-hour days plus lunch and breaks)
Required materials: 1 ASQ-3 Starter Kit and 1 ASQ:SE-2 Starter Kit present at the training, plus 1 ASQ-3 User’s Guide and 1 ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide for every participant present at the training
Number of participants: Up to 25
Seminar fee: 2 tools, 3 days: $7,175 (Please add an additional fee of $750 for contract review when your organization’s contractual agreement is required in lieu of BOL’s standard training agreement.)
Participant fee: $200 per participant
Speaker travel: Speaker’s travel expenses are in addition to seminar & materials fees*

In addition to participating in all training activities, TOT participants will have opportunities to integrate and practice presenting ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 content. Participants will have opportunities to discuss specific considerations for audiences they will be training (child care providers, pediatricians) and begin planning for their own future training for their organization.

Electronic materials (many of which can be modified for future Introduction training seminars) will be provided on CD-ROM for all participants upon successful completion of the seminar.

*Speaker’s travel expenses are reimbursable to the speaker unless your organization and BOL have negotiated a “flat travel fee” for the speaker. Travel expenses will include transportation (including, but not limited to, airfare/car rental/cab fare/gas and mileage), lodging, meals, and related incidental expenses.

To inquire about arranging an on-site seminar, contact the Brookes On Location (BOL) Professional Development Coordinator at or 800-638-3775


3 DVDs for Easy Training—Only $49.95 Each

These DVDs are inexpensive training tools that can be used over and over again to show staff how to screen, score, and interpret results.

  • The Ages and Stages Questionnaires® on a Home Visit—This DVD demonstrates a home visitor guiding a family through completing questionnaires for their two children. You and your staff will learn how to explain the ASQ screening process, create opportunities for child learning and development, and promote positive parent–child interaction. (20 minutes)
    Stock Number: 69711 l Price: $49.95
  • ASQ®-3 Scoring and Referral—Scoring ASQ-3 and interpreting the results is easier with this updated training DVD. You and your staff will discover how to use the revised third edition scoring sheets, convert parent responses into point values, compare the results with the cutoff scores, use the ASQ-3 monitoring zone to determine if a child’s progress should be monitored in one or more areas, interpret parent responses on the Overall section of ASQ-3, and decide if a referral is needed. (25 minutes)
    Stock Number: 70250 l Price: $49.95
  • ASQ®:SE-2 in Practice—This DVD provides a concise and thorough overview of emotional and social development and how to use ASQ:SE-2. You and your staff will learn what factors might affect screening results, how to score the questionnaires and make referrals, and key ideas for building trusting relationships with families. (25 minutes)
    Stock Number: 51608 l Price: $49.95

Need an order form? Print this form to order using a purchase order or via fax.

ASQ Home Visit DVDASQ Scoring & Referral DVDASQ:SE-2 in Practice DVD cover

  • Teacher and Student

    What ASQ Users are Saying

    We chose ASQ because it is easy to do, low cost, culturally sensitive, and it meets our purpose of basic screening for our children’s development. Our infant teachers base their curriculum on each individual child based on the ASQ.”

    Kathy Bostic, Program Supervisor, Pinehurst Child Care Center