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ASQ-3 Scoring Help in Spanish

Sometimes professionals have questions when scoring ASQ-3. Use these tips, translated into Spanish, to help you score ASQ-3 questionnaires accurately every time.

ASQ-3 Scoring Help

Sometimes professionals have questions when scoring ASQ-3. Use these tips to help you score ASQ-3 questionnaires accurately every time.

Tabla de puntajes ajustados del ASQ-3

Occasionally, parents or caregivers may skip items on ASQ questionnaires. Spanish-speaking providers can use this chart to calculate adjusted area scores when items are missing from ASQ-3 questionnaires.

Score Adjustment Chart for ASQ-3

Occasionally, parents or caregivers may skip items on ASQ questionnaires. Use this chart to calculate adjusted area scores when items are missing from ASQ-3 questionnaires.

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How ASQ works diagram

Steps for Screening & Scoring ASQ-3

Scoring is even easier with ASQ-3! View this diagram (which uses an actual questionnaire) to discover the 3 simple steps to screen and score using ASQ-3.