Identifying children early.

The goal of state Child Find systems is to identify the infants and young children who require in-depth assessment and may be eligible for early intervention and special education services. Because Child Find systems operate first-level screening programs—programs that screen and monitor large numbers of children—you need a screening tool that is reliable, easy to use, cost-effective, and appropriate for diverse populations.

The Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (ASQ®) meet the requirements for first-level comprehensive screening systems. Child Find systems in many states have made ASQ an integral component of their programs.

Use ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 to Meet Child Find Mandates

The 2004 re-authorization of IDEA mandates that Child Find programs provide public awareness and referral services for:

  • children with substantiated cases of child abuse and neglect
  • children who have been affected by prenatal substance abuse
  • children who experience homelessness

Both ASQ®-3 and ASQ®:SE-2 are ideal tools for states collaborating with child welfare and other agencies to screen these children. Both tools are very flexible to implement—they can be completed on home visits or in waiting rooms, or mailed to parents in advance. Both sets of questionnaires are photocopiable, meaning that purchasing is a one-time investment for your program—making it easier to budget for the ever-growing numbers of children your program is serving. And now you can save time and streamline your screening process with our many ASQ ®Online options: ASQ® Pro (online management for single-site programs), ASQ® Enterprise (online management for multi-site programs), ASQ® Hub (administrative management), and ASQ® Family Access (online questionnaire completion).

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires all states to have a comprehensive Child Find system to ensure that all children who are in need of early intervention or special education services are located, identified, and referred.—The Child Find Web Site

  • Children Engaged in the Classroom

    What ASQ Users are Saying

    “What I love about the ASQ is that it allows our staff to catch delays quickly and allows us to get our clients the early intervention programs that they sometimes need. In many cases [ASQ] helps us catch children up before they start kindergarten, therefore providing children with the start that they deserve.

    Sharon Gee, Supervisor, Healthy Families Niagara