Happy girl and mother laying in a meadow

More support for your work with children and families.

These practical tools and books will help you promote healthy childhood development and parent–child relationships.


BrickerStrengthen your community’s screening and early detection system with this integrated, low-cost, adaptable approach—your big-picture plan for catching delays and connecting young children with the services and supports they need.
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Squires ABISEFrom the creators of ASQ®, this practical book gives you a linked system for improving children’s social and emotional health. The book walks you through screening, assessment, goal development, intervention, and evaluation.
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AEPS® is a comprehensive, reliable system that seamlessly links assessment, goal development, intervention, and evaluation for children from birth through age six. Trusted for decades by early childhood programs across the country and developed by ASQ lead developer Diane Bricker, AEPS is used to accurately assess children’s current skill levels, target instruction, monitor child progress, and aid in identifying disability and determining eligibility.
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The Pyramid Model is a framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development. These resources and tools provide the strategies, guidance, and training you need to implement the Pyramid Model successfully.
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SING.PLAY.LOVE. brings the joys of reading, music, and play into the classroom to engage and support young children’s learning and development. Created by Anne Meeker Watson, a music therapist and early childhood specialist, each themed SING.PLAY.LOVE. kit includes picture books, downloadable songs, music and instructional videos, printable activity pages, and more to ensure that you have everything you need to put SING.PLAY.LOVE. into action in your own early childhood program.
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Beautiful BeginningsLinked with ASQ®-3, this extensive curriculum takes a joyful activity-based approach to enhancing the development of infants and toddlers. Professionals and parents will get more than 350 photocopiable, easy-to-use activity sheets—divided into six age ranges between birth to three years—that build on each child’s natural strengths and interests, recognize and expand on emerging developments, and encourage progress in areas of concern.
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LSPFor use with families of children from birth to 3 years of age, the Life Skills Progression™ (LSP) is the only reliable, field-tested tool that provides the critical data home visiting programs need to demonstrate their effectiveness and receive support and funding. Generating a broad, accurate portrait of the behaviors, attitudes, and skills of both parents and children, the LSP helps professionals establish baseline client profiles, identify strengths and needs, plan interventions, and monitor outcomes to show that interventions are working.
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PICCOLO UGThe Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes (PICCOLO™) is a checklist of 29 observable developmentally supportive parenting behaviors with children ages 10–47 months in four domains. It is a positive, practical, versatile, culturally sensitive, valid, and reliable tool for practitioners that shows what parents can do to support their children’s development.
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  • Children Engaged in the Classroom

    What ASQ Users are Saying

    “What I love about the ASQ is that it allows our staff to catch delays quickly and allows us to get our clients the early intervention programs that they sometimes need. In many cases [ASQ] helps us catch children up before they start kindergarten, therefore providing children with the start that they deserve.

    Sharon Gee, Supervisor, Healthy Families Niagara