How familiar are you with ASQ®:SE-2?

Find out in this quiz on all-things ASQ:SE-2, developed by Jane Squires, Ph.D., Diane Bricker, Ph.D., & Elizabeth Twombly, M.S.

The ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires are the most cost-effective, reliable way to screen young children for social-emotional issues in the first 6 years of life. Now in a second edition, the 9 age-appropriate questionnaires effectively screen for critical social-emotional skills and development.

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  • Teacher and Student

    What ASQ Users are Saying

    We chose ASQ because it is easy to do, low cost, culturally sensitive, and it meets our purpose of basic screening for our children’s development. Our infant teachers base their curriculum on each individual child based on the ASQ.”

    Kathy Bostic, Program Supervisor, Pinehurst Child Care Center